Item Donations
Bicycle and part donations can be dropped off at the community bicycle shop during open hours. Free Cycles is also extremely appreciative of any item donations that may be useful for the workspace. For example, soap, toilet paper, tools are commonly brought by to use in our space. People also bring food for staff and volunteers and old clothes to be cut for rags.
Free Cycles Wish List
-Office supplies
-Hand soap, paper towels
-Umbrellas for shade
-Clay brick (face or paver)
-A natural garden hose
-Wood or ceramic barrels
-Clean, organic soil
-Brooms and dust pans
-Wood pellet stove
-building lumber such as 2x4’s, 2x6’s, etc
-10 and 15 mm wrenches
Structured Giving for Local Businesses
Cycling is great for business. Increases in cycling and bicycle infrastructure have been shown to increase local profits time and time again. For example, on Magnolia St. in Forth Worth, redesign to incorporate increased bike parking and bike lanes saw local restaurant profits increase 179%. Similarly, a more modest 49% increase in retail sales resulted from improved infrastructure in New York. Being on of the top ten cycling destinations within the United States, Missoula and Missoula's businesses have much to benefit from a thriving and healthy cycling community. We want to continue to help make this happen, and financial contributions are critical for us to continue our unique work, expand our programs, and bring plans to fruition that will better meet the community's needs. We greatly appreciate any support in advance! Please contact us for partnership opportunities.
Send checks to: 734 S. 1st St. W., Missoula, MT 59801.
All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Free Cycles EIN: 20-5967694
The trusty, rusty, old red tool box has been Free Cycles' piggy bank since the start of time. All of our services are donation-based and available to anyone.